The beginning

Here is the link to more about me.

I am not sure what to expect from this course. I am hoping to learn some new techniques to bring back to my school and my district. I like the idea of using more technology to stay in contact with students and parents. With the age of smart phones it is much easier for parents to quickly check how their child is performing in school, or upcoming events, if the school/teacher has some type of social media to use.

Personal FERPA statement

I, Christopher Patterson, understand and accept that some of my academic work for the fall 2012 semester will be published on the open web.

I also disclose that the work I will be putting up online is done as a part of the EDUC439/639 class at the University of Delaware. The home page of this open class is located at

Unless content put up can potentially damage my online reputation, I also pledge to leave it online until at least December 21, 2012, the end of the fall semester.

Under those terms, I waive parts of my FERPA-granted rights for the purpose of exploring social media and web 2.0, excluding private conversations with colleagues and course grades.

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